May 17, 2008


    "Get rid of all bitterness.. .Be kind and compassionate to one another,
    forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you." Ephesians

    How often do we blame others for our troubles? Do we think God is
    unjust for the way he treats us or allows things to happen to us? The
    first man, Adam, blamed Eve. And Eve blamed the serpent. So it has
    been with their descendants ever since.

    We see it plainly in young children. In "mature" adults too. People
    do mistreat each other. Even the best parents sometimes harm their
    children. Because of our inherent sinful natures we hurt one another,
    intentionally or not.

    Some of us tend to think we're defective in some way and that we're
    the ones at fault for our circumstances, perhaps for our illness or
    disability. In fact, sometimes we don't treat our bodies as we should.

    How can we deal with this finger-pointing and guilt? Well, first we
    must recognize it. Then, especially if deep suffering is involved, I
    think we must go through a period of grieving. At some time confession
    to God and a willingness to forgive is necessary for real spiritual
    healing. I'd like to emphasize here that we need to be kind to
    ourselves and forgive ourselves as well as others.

    Later, when heightened pain reminds us of what happened, the process
    may have to be repeated, usually for a shorter time. Eventually, by
    God's grace, we can acknowledge the injustice of others or ourselves
    and no longer point the finger of blame or sense the sting of guilt.

    With the release of these negatives, our personalities change. God's
    sweet Spirit produces the wholesome fruit of righteousness in our
    hearts. No longer will we go around as if "the world owed us a living"
    or trying to prove something. Instead, we'll want to spend our time
    enjoying intimacy with Him and giving of ourselves to others, with no
    strings attached. Bitterness is finally replaced with compassion and love.

    "Dear Lord, I praise you for extending forgiveness, so undeserved, to
    me, at such a high price. Please enable me to forgive myself and those
    who have hurt me."

Comments (2)

  • Beautiful devotion, have a wonderful Lord's Day tomorrow!

  • There have been times when I thought I had gotten over something by forgiving the person. I have learned that sometimes I just have to keep reminding my thoughts that I have forgiven and it is over with.
    I am glad He forgives easily.

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